What is the best Way to find out the benefits of homeschooling

Home-schooling has been gaining a lot of popularity of late and have been embraced by quite a number of parents around the world. Home schooling is nothing but a system where in place of the traditional schools, the children are educated in the comfort of their own homes. Homeschooling is therefore education that takes place at home and parents/guardians take up the roles of the teacher.

Learning by doing
It provides an alternative to the teacher-student dynamics where both the parent and the child is continuously learning. Studies show that we only remember 10% of what we read, 30% of what we see, 50% of what we hear and see and 90% of what we do. Innovative activities or experiments that trigger the curiosity of the child can be used to make them learn complex processes and concepts. Textbooks can be so boring!!

Child can learn at his/her own pace
Many students succumb to the pressures of the examinations and grades and even at times take up the ultimate step of self-harm. In homeschooling there is no such pressure and the child is allowed to understand the concepts at his own pace. He is allowed to experiment, think out-of-the-box and even make mistakes. Because it is from mistakes that we learn. Less stress is equal to better learning.

Interests and hidden talents can be nurtured
Every child is special-Homeschooling focuses on just that. One child can be a genius in mathematics while another may have a flair for painting. Since, the learning process is one-on-one and there is a lot of time to do a number of varied activities, parents can discover innate talents of their child if they keep an eye.

Strong family bonds developed
The best thing about homeschooling is the teacher-student ratio which is 1:1. Hence, not only does a parent comes to know his/her child in a better way but also the child begins to understand the HUGE responsibilities that a parent shoulders for the sake of the child. The hectic school schedules being non-existent, homeschooling can be a wonderful way of spending time together.
However, homeschooling can be little tough as there is no fixed curriculum to be followed and no syllabus to be completed within some academic year. Although, this causes a stress-free environment to learn but at the same time the rigorousness of a traditional schooling method may be lost leading to degradation in quality.

Hence, certain resources might become quite handy. One such great tool is to allow your child to complete the assignment on her own. It is wise to get some standard articles for evaluating your child’s work. You can avail some Assignment help online by making use of the internet. This would enable the child to get a clear understanding of the concepts and get an idea of how proper assignment writing is to be done.
Happy home-schooling!!

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